Thursday, September 29, 2016

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage

This week in the library we are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th to October 15th. It's a time to celebrate Hispanic American culture, the independence of several Latin American countries, and the contributions of Hispanic Americans. ¡Celebra!

Here are some stories we enjoyed this week in honor of Hispanic Heritage.

The kinders heard the story, Hooray, a Piñata! by Elisa Kleven. We discovered what happens when your piñata is too cute to hit with a stick! (I've seen it happen, have you?) We also found out that it is nice to have friends that understand your feelings. Elisa Kleven will be talking about her new release entitled, The Horribly Hungry Gingerbread Boy, which takes place in San Francisco, when she visits Books, Inc. in Berkeley this Sunday, October 2nd @ 12 pm.

The first graders and I read Erandi's Braids, written by Antonio Hernández Madrigal and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. In this bittersweet story, Erandi makes tough decisions, but in the end she learns her selfless sacrifice was the right thing to do for her family.

Second graders enjoyed Mice and Beans, by Newbery Honor winner Pam Muñoz Ryan, illustrated by Joe Cepeda. Silly Abuela can't remember a thing! Watch those pesky mice take advantage of her failing memory as she prepares for her granddaughter's 7th birthday. Sometimes having mice isn't such a bad thing, especially if you're memory could use some help!

Third graders learned about the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay, in Ada's Violin. In this inspiring true story by Susan Hood, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport, we learn about Ada's life in Cateura: a poor town built on a garbage dump. She dreams of playing the violin and leaving this life filled with unbelievable poverty. With so little money it seems impossible to make life better in Cateura, until a music teacher arrives. Read the story to see what happens when a community joins together for their children, celebrates their ingenuity and artistry, and speaks the universal language of music.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Adult Ladybugs Are Here

We have eight adult ladybugs in our habitat today! They're happily munching raisins—thanks to Luciano, Alexander, and Lillian! I can't wait for the release next week! The students love observing the incredible metamorphosis and learning about the life of the ladybug.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Caught Reading

Reading for pleasure! What a wonderful thing it is to share a Friday afternoon with friends, reading books, relaxing on the library rug.

Fourth Graders Reading